News Feed
October May April March

Czechabia News Network (CNN)


Émile has lost his voice! He is sick... That's about it. He has a cold. And because of this cold, he won't be able to meet with the foriegn leader of Bustin Jeabia.


The fish are trying to be goats! They Get fur and stand around "BAAAA"ing! They are also trying to fight back and eat the humans too. D:


North Sudussia throws a nuke at Czechoslovakarabia for their poor performance at the games. Nuke does not go off. "I think they may want to work on there not so explodey explosives..." says Emile, that one leader that we have for some reason... yeah.


World Renowned men's gymnast Kahn Gina brings home yet another gold medal for Czechoslovakarabia. "Our team is just too good..." says Emile, the great leader.


Balia Shabeef is elected President of Bustin Jeabia. The president is sad to see that last president go... But, we believe that he will be happier soon since he will have more time to hang out with Mr.Jeaber.


Choosen a flag design and made updates to the website. But that stupid child is having problems with iframe... Wants to show a graph for currency exchange.


Nothing new, just a filler, but we hear that the constitution of Czechoslovakarabia will be finished soon... Someday maybe.


Bustin Jeaber arrives to play a round of roketon with Prez Émile. The Prez spazes multiple times out of excitement.